Drouin South Primary School OSHC Family Resources

Windermere & Drouin South PS OSHC Program

Windermere is proud to offer a comprehensive and caring out of school hours care program to families currently enrolled at Drouin South Primary School. 

Each school term we run:

Before School Care

from 6:30am - 8:45am.

After School Care

from 3.15pm - 6.30pm.


Ready to enrol?





Need to speak with someone about OSCH?

For all enquiries and bookings, please call 1300 946 337

For feedback and complaints, please call Selma Ramic (Manager ECECS) or Andrea Carmody (Team Leader) on 1300 946 337

Families have the option to book casual or ongoing (permanent) sessions. A discount is available for ongoing bookings.


BEFORE SCHOOL BOOKED SESSION, 6.30am - 8.45am: $25*

BEFORE SCHOOL CASUAL SESSION, 6.30am - 8.45am: $30* 

AFTERNOON BOOKED SESSION, 3.15pm - 6.30pm: $31*

AFTERNOON CASUAL SESSION 3.15pm-6.30pm: $36*

*LATE FEE PER 5 MINUTES $5.00 (not eligible for CCS)

Please note: eligible families will also receive the Child Care Subsidy (CCS)


To enrol please complete the:

OSHC enrolment form

Family Handbook

Child playing hopscotch legs only