Her children Nadia, age 16 and Jayden, age 13 both have ADHD and Autism.
Without support, their lives are a constant struggle at school and home.
With our support Ava gained access to a medical professional to secure a diagnosis for Nadia and herself. Along with Jayden’s diagnosis already in place, Ava could apply for NDIS and access vital supports for Jayden to help him manage his daily life and explore suitable Work Ready programs for Nadia.
There are many others like Ava, Nadia and Jayden struggling to emerge from complex challenges.
What will happen to young people like Nadia and Jayden if they had nowhere to turn for support?
Families who are struggling to obtain everyday essentials and are on the brink of homelessness.
Those trapped by financial and other pressures in neglectful, abusive and violent relationships.
People living with disabilities who are isolated and vulnerable.
$100 can provide basic, everyday
essentials to a vulnerable family.
$500 can help marginalised youth
gain access to community activities.
$1,000 can allow traumatised children
to receive critical specialist support