Adele's story

Adele* came to Windermere when she was eight months pregnant together with her three other children and her mother.  She was in a state of deep distress.  Although she had separated from her partner, Corey*, due to ongoing violence and had taken out an intervention order, he still managed to track the family down, break into their house and threatened to kill them repeatedly.

Tamara*, the eldest child, soon began experiencing panic attacks at school and shared with a School Counsellor what was happening at home.  Somehow her father found out and forbade her from ever going to school again. Each day for the next two weeks Corey would lie in wait outside the school grounds, to see if Tamara went against his wishes.

Adele had tried to leave a number of times but felt it may be too dangerous for her kids until it became too dangerous to stay.

Terrified that the threat of death was real and imminent Adele gathered her children and mother and left home with nothing and turned to Windermere for help.

Within a few hours, Windermere was able to ensure Adele received medical attention for her and her unborn baby plus safe, secure, untraceable accommodation.  Food, clothing and petrol vouchers were also provided so Adele could also attend to the immediate needs of her family.

A week later a safe refuge was found and 3G safety cards, a silent, round the clock monitoring pendant (or wristband) was issued to Adele, her eldest daughter and mother.  The wearable devices are monitored around the clock and when activated pinpoint the exact location of the person in distress so police can immediately respond.  The device also records any threatening conversations that occur which can then be used in court.

Windermere has also arranged for Adele and her mother to receive counselling for family violence and sexual assault and vital support services have been put in place for the older children.

For the first time, in a very long time, Adele and her family are safe. 

* Names changed to protect privacy.

If you wish to help someone like Adele, then consider making a tax deductible donation today.


My (Windermere) counsellor has been one of the most important supports I have had throughout this whole process. She is amazing. I now see things from a completely different perspective.

I am on the lookout now too - next time I am in a relationship, I will be able to recognise the signs of domestic violence and I won’t let myself get stuck in that sort of position again.”

Witness, Royal Commission into Family Violence - Melbourne 

Learning in a step by step process that we have to follow, we can’t reach the last step without stepping the first step. If we as educators succeed in building trust and connectivity then learning is fun. “To be in your children’s memories tomorrow, you have to be in their lives today”.

Naeve, Windermere Early Childhood Educator - Melbourne

The amazing opportunity I got coming into the Windermere house and the 100% that I put into the program, has given me and my son a roof over our head and a second chance at a normal life.

Resident, Mums & Bubs Program - Melbourne