Help Cally & Makrem this Christmas

For most of us Christmas is a precious and happy time, but for some in our community it can be a difficult and lonely time. Circumstances can mean families find themselves needing the most basic of items - food, money to pay bills and gifts for children and many have experienced extreme disadvantage, trauma and vulnerability. Throughout the year we work in your local community assisting those experiencing adversity. 

By giving a gift this Christmas, no matter the size, you will be helping children and their families in real need. Your gift provides assistance and support to those who most need our services every year, just like Cally and Makrem.

Cally is the middle child from a family of 7. At school, they're getting ready for the end of term making decorations and cards for their families. This year even though Cally will have her whole family around her, it will be her sole responsibility to make sure Christmas happens. You see, her mum has cancer and her siblings have a variety of illnesses including mutism, blindness and ADHD, as well as mental health problems.

At 12 years old Cally dreams about how wonderful Christmas might be, she even imagines receiving her perfect gift - The Magical Christmas: A Colouring Book with a new set of pencils. Instead, the daily reality for Cally is worrying about grocery shopping, paying bills and making sure dinner is on the table each night for her family. 

Cally wishes Christmas was fun and exciting for her family too but knows this isn't possible.

This Christmas, Makrem wants to hang out with his dad. Sadly, after the last time he saw him, Makrem confided to his mum "Dad tried to hurt me with a knife". 

Understandably, Makrem's world is confusing and full of sadness. He's afraid of feeling lonely when Christmas is supposed to be a happy time spent with family. 

With no belongings and little money, but protected within a safe house away from his dad, the best Makrem can hope for this Christmas, is a small present.

You can create a Merry Moment and bring some Christmas cheer to Cally & Makrem's lives by making a tax-deductible donation.

For more information contact one of the fundraising team. 

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