Support for victim survivors of historical institutional childhood sexual abuse

Trigger warning: The following content may be disturbing for victims and survivors of violence and trauma. We encourage you to use your discretion as to whether you should continue reading. Visit our back page for a list of support numbers. 

Not for profit Windermere Child & Family Services is partnering with the Commonwealth Government to assist Gippsland based survivors of institutional childhood sexual abuse seek redress and healing.

Windermere is a Redress Support Service, which means it is funded by the Commonwealth Government to offer free, confidential and emotional support to survivors wanting to navigate the National Redress Support program.

This includes offering a range of practical and emotional supports to those wanting to access the scheme or who simply want to find out more about what the redress program might mean for them. 

“We recognise the immense courage and difficulty it can take for survivors to come forward to seek support and redress. Our role is to assist them to access the support they need and deserve to move forward in their lives,” says Helen Consta, Statewide Manger, Trauma Services and New Initiatives at Windermere.

“Everyone’s journey is unique and other than helping them complete an application for redress in their own words, we can also provide support for them in other ways, such as if they want to seek to receive a direct personal response by way of an apology or acknowledgement from the institution,” says Helen. 

Following the application outcome and based on what’s offered, the program can link survivors with counselling support offered through the scheme.

“We provide support at any step of the application journey and also provide other support options to those who choose not to engage with the redress scheme,” she says.

Windermere has long standing experience of providing support to assist individuals to recover from trauma. The National Redress scheme was created in response to the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. Applications can be made any time before 30 June 2027.

Windermere is providing ongoing redress support to survivors in the East Gippsland, Baw Baw, Latrobe and Wellington regions of Gippsland Victoria, and the Outer Eastern and Southern Metropolitan regions of Greater Melbourne. Windermere will also link survivors to their local Redress Support Service where appropriate.

How to access support

For more information visit: Redress Support Program:

Speak with Windermere’s Redress Scheme team by calling 1300 946 337 or email